1. All staff & board members will sign a personal commitment to continuously advancing DEI work within OutGrown.
2. Strategic plans and work plans will include specific DEI related goals and action items for every department and function within the organization. This will be reviewed and updated annually.
3. An internal equity assessment will be performed regularly and a copy of the findings and actions will be available to the public.
4. OutGrown will communicate honestly and openly with all stakeholders regarding DEI commitments and actions. We will acknowledge our mistakes and work to correct them. Community members will be given opportunities to provide feedback and suggestions for improvement.
5. An internal communication channel will exist where volunteers, staff, and board members can share resources and discuss their learning around DEI topics. OutGrown will commit to providing a moderated space with specific communication expectations and norms to help keep this a respectful space where people can learn and grow in an honest and open format.
6. An internal workgroup dedicated to advancing DEI within OutGrown will exist and meet regularly to evaluate progress and recommend actions. Participation in this workgroup is open to any OutGrown community member who is interested in and willing to commit to the work.
7. OutGrown commits to seeking and welcoming diverse candidates at all levels of the organization. Hiring practices, employee policies, and job posting/recruitment efforts will be inclusive. These practices and policies will be reviewed regularly and updated as needed to ensure inclusivity and equity.
8. General communications, images, videos, and other content will include a diverse range of authentic families and voices to showcase the diversity of our community and help more people identify themselves in our content. We believe that everyone should be able to enjoy the outdoors and we have a duty to show the world what that can look like. OutGrown will evaluate our content regularly to ensure we are meeting this commitment.
9. OutGrown community members and participants will be expected to read and commit to a social contract outlining the expectations and standards required to establish spaces that are safe, welcoming, and open to including a diverse range of participants.
10. OutGrown ambassadors will undergo training to help them understand their role in establishing and maintaining equitable and inclusive communities. OutGrown will also provide continuing education and regular opportunities for ambassadors to engage, learn, and continue to participate in the advancement of our DEI work.
11. OutGrown hike hosts will be provided with guidelines for hosting welcoming and inclusive events.
12. Community guidelines, social contract, ambassador training, and hike host guidelines will be evaluated regularly and updated as necessary. Community members will have an opportunity to provide feedback and suggestions to help ensure these tools are effective and impactful in a positive way.
13. OutGrown will be an organization committed to action. We believe in the value of listening and learning to better understand the DEI issues facing our community members and the families we are trying to support. We also believe that impact is more important than intent, so we commit to turning our learnings into actionable steps to make lasting change. We will also encourage all stakeholders in the OutGrown community to take action alongside us on a regular basis as part of our ongoing work to lower barriers and create a world where every family can feel a sense of belonging in and ability to access nature.
Today, this is not the case. We acknowledge not everyone has the same history and experience with outdoor activities and many people and communities have been excluded or not invited into this space. Additionally, the current definition of what it means to be outside and who belongs there has been historically limited to a bearded white man atop a snow-peaked mountain. OutGrown is working to change this narrative. We are making the outdoors a more equitable place by normalizing time spent in nature and who is welcome in nature. We are doing this by creating communities where nature is redefined as not only a faraway space only to be enjoyed by those with the privilege, means, and abilities to be “adventurous” and “outdoorsy” but as a place that is welcoming, safe, and accessible for all. Regardless of background, race, ethnicity, physical ability, sexual orientation, gender, relationship, age, size, shape, language, and more, anyone who wants to experience the outdoors is the NEW definition of “outdoorsy.” Furthermore, we believe that for people to feel welcome in the outdoors, we also have to broaden the definition of what outdoor activity includes. It is not just getting on a trail in the deep woods, or climbing distant peaks. It does not require special gear or experience. Being in nature is something we should all be able to do and all it should take is a step outside. We are lowering barriers both locally and globally to ensure more families feel like they belong outside and can easily and safely enjoy its benefits for generations to come.
We bring families outside together to create authentic, supportive connections.
We actively commit to diversity and inclusion in our community, and to continued learning and action on equity to ensure we welcome all families and leave no family behind.
We empower families by working together to share resources, provide opportunities, and remove barriers to be or go outside with confidence.
We are normalizing nature by encouraging families to spend time outside whether on the front step or in the back country and everything in between.
We believe in the inherent benefits of time outside and that everyone deserves to experience them from birth.