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CREATED IN PARTNERSHIP WITH OUR FRIENDS AT STONZ Spring is here! For most of us, that means blossoming flowers, warmer weather, and lots of rain. While the rain is excellent for all those spring flowers, sometimes it is easy to feel like you are stuck inside. But fear not! The rain absolutely does not mean you and your children need to remain indoors. In fact, rainy weather is another way ...

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Lucy's Story

THIS BLOG IS PART OF OUR ELEVATING VOICES SERIES IN PARTNERSHIP WITH L.L.Bean Meet Lucy Crespo, the Northeast Urban Community Engagement Specialist at the National Wildlife Refuge Association. We had the pleasure of meeting Lucy when she was the Director of Youth Initiatives at Groundwork Elizabeth. At the time, she was hosting the first Mother’s Day event at Phil Rizzuto’s Park...

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Hike it Baby Book Club: Grateful for Nature

As we focus on this season of gratitude, the Hike it Baby Book Club has compiled some awesome book selections that help remind us why we are grateful for nature! The Table Where Rich People Sit by Byrd Baylor A young girl discovers that her impoverished family is rich in things that matter in life, especially being outdoors and experiencing nature. When Grandma Giv...

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10 Fun Outdoor Family Holiday Traditions

The holidays are fast approaching, and with them comes family traditions. Between baking cookies, decorating the house and classic holiday movies to watch, we tend to spend a lot of time indoors. Itching to get outside and connect with your family in nature? Here's a list of ten fun outdoor holiday traditions to enjoy the beauty that nature brings to the holiday season. 1. Turkey Trot ...

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Oregon Outdoor Recreation Summit Family Festival

On October 29, 2022, at the Wildwood Recreation Site in Welches, Oregon, through partnership and strength in community, Hike it Baby was able to host a day outside for families from People of Color Outdoors (POCO) and Immigrant and Refugee Community Organization’s (IRCO’s) Greater Middle Eastern Community (GMEC). We were able to bus in families and provide lunch catered by an...

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How my Military Family Found our "Village" Through Hike it Baby

When I met my husband, he was about three years into his career as a U.S. Navy submariner. I grew up with both parents serving in the military for over 20 years each, so I knew the life of a military spouse wasn’t for the faint of heart. Between the constant moving, the distance from family and the constant deployments, being a military family was stressful even before we became parents. ...

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Wander with Wox

Over the last two years, we’ve had the pleasure of rolling out our Wander Walks programming to over 45 locations across North America. Our Wander Walks initiative focuses on engaging young families in activity based signage that supports early childhood development and nature based play. For example, a family might be walking through a local greenspace and they see a Wander Walks ...

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4 Fall Crafts You Can Make Using Leaves

Whether it's listening to the leaves crunching under our shoes on a hike, jumping into leaf piles, or smelling the fresh crisp air as we admire the beautiful hues of the harvest season, the sensory experience fall invokes within us all is sure to make a lasting impression on our family as we head outdoors. We can take those memories a step further by creating leaf crafts that we can admire ...

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Explore the Nature Near You

Nature is all around you! Taking a few steps out your front door and down the street, or out the back door to explore your yard will show you that there are a variety of plants, insects, fungi, animals and other wildlife all around you. Let’s get started exploring the nature near you! Make a Plan Decide where to look - do you want to explore trees, in the grass, bushes or even cra...

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Getting Out the Door to Explore the Nature Near You

Created in partnership with our friends at Spending time outside is so important for the mental and physical health of both adults and their kiddos. However, getting everyone ready and out the door can be a daunting task, even if it’s just for a quick walk around the block! We get a lot of questions such as “What should I bring?” and “What if my baby gets hungry or...

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