Our work helps families with children zero to five years old build relationships with nature as a way to improve mental and physical health, prevent adverse childhood experiences, and encourage environmental awareness from birth.
While the overall rate of Americans participating in outdoor recreation continues to increase, outings for families with children have declined. Many efforts are focused on connecting families with youth to the outdoors, but historically, such activities have prioritized children ages 6+.
This has created a significant service gap we at OutGrown call the Baby Nature Gap.
Through community-led programs, we utilize an intergenerational approach starting at birth to ensure that families have the support they need to incorporate nature into their daily lives.
it's FREE!
*must be a member.
Together, we are not just growing; we are OutGrowing barriers, social isolation, and health disparities for a greener, healthier, and more connected tomorrow.
We’re proud to partner with organizations committed to bridging the Baby Nature Gap.
Advice on how to get hiking with babies and kids, connections to community in your area, and fun activities to do with your family - all to get outside and feel better through nature.